Tag Archives: KQED #DoNow

#DoNowBabies KQED Blogpost

“Should we modify DNA in human embryos?”

I almost peed my pants when I read that question. The first thoughts that ran through my mind were, “Are they really asking this question?” and, “Vincent Freeman was cool, but Gattaca coming to life isn’t what I need right now”.


When I read on, I understood their points about preventing mitochondrial diseases in newborns, but I was still skeptical about it. The process has great medical potential – if we start modifying DNA for mitochondrial diseases in embryos, the idea could easily be projected to eliminating other diseases from our genetic material. But after we do this, what’s to stop us from going further? It could start out in the form of innocent experiments and alterations, and expand to be a society-altering phenomenon.

“Eh, it won’t hurt to give my baby brown hair.”

“Eh, why not green eyes too? My kid’s a special one.”

“Eh. How about high cheekbones, long eyelashes, dimples, and exactly 14 cute little freckles on her face.”

See my point? I’m still very conflicted – this is a convoluted bioethics debate. My normal philosophy is, if it improves or saves lives, then Amen – praise it, my friend. Testify.

But with the possibility of everyone in the future being another “Valid” from Gattaca, are we willing to risk it? Such a change wouldn’t just alter our society – it would essentially take away our humanity with all our imperfections and flaws that we say we hate, but we need. All of this might sound like a long tangent from the original question, but we need to think of the consequences our actions may have in the future. Everything depends on how responsible we are when we have the infinite power of technology at our fingertips.

Do you think we should start modifying DNA in human embryos? Feel free to comment below about it!

If you would like to read more about the KQED question, click the following link:
